How did I get started?
It all first started when I was 3 years old. Back when I was still very young, I would try to get into my father's computer, as he had set a password on it and I would spend forever to try and figure it out. it made me feel like I was a hacker.
When I hit primary school, I would try to be on the computers as much as possible. the whole concept of these machines being able to do so much had me hooked.
I tried to learn as much as I could about Windows and especially stuff like Microsoft Word and PowerPoint as all fonts and animations really caught my eye.
During high school, I learned that I wanted to make computing my profession and living. I first started programming during Year 10, when we were given Java, which I actually found incredibly difficult to learn.
During Year 11, I felt that I still was not grasping programming very well, and had a discussion with my teacher on whether or not I should give up on programming as I did not do well at all with Java and the programming language at the time, Python.
He then offered to tutor me and help give me extra work and aid if I did not give up on programming. and I have never regretted the decision I made to stay.
I was able to first hone of skills when my class first started to program in Visual Basic, I was able to learn and adapt to the programming concepts extremely quickly and was able to learn the basics of the language.
By the time I finished Year 12, I was ranked 2nd in the class in terms of grade, a vast improvement over being 2nd last in the class during Year 11.
After high school, I chose to further my studies, but I knew that due to my ATAR, I could not start a university degree straight away, so I chose to do a Certificate 3 in Information, Digital Media and Technology. In this course, I covered the basics of HTML/CSS, as well as JavaScript and Java. I was also able to dabble on the hardware side of things and was able to learn about computer parts and how they interact with each other.
After this, I then followed by doing a Certificate 4 in Programming, where I got to learn about JavaScript and Java in further depth, as well as cover the basics of C++ and learned a small amount of SQL. I also completed a Certificate 4 in Information Technology, where I primarily learned to hone my HTML/CSS skills.
After completing my 3 certificates, I was successful in applying for my position within a Bachelor of Games and Virtual Worlds. During this course, I have had to rapidly learn to a higher detail C++ and its memory management, as well as learning C# from not knowing anything about it to a completed project within 6 weeks. I also had to demonstrate my prior HTML/CSS skills in the creation of a website from scratch. As well as dealing with my very first game engine, which for my case was Unity, where I continue to build upon my foundations and where I am most comfortable. I, however, actively revise HTML and C++, as I feel these languages are very important within my field. I also have worked on 2 teams developed games within Unity within a professional setting, requiring us to build a game based on the needs of our executive producer. I also undertook the learning of an entirely new engine in the form of Unreal Engine 4, purely because I wanted to expand my knowledge of the different engines within the industry and to learn about questing systems.
I have now as of January 2020 completed my Bachelor's Degree, with an overall grade in the middle of Credit and Distinction and am looking to now find a job in the game development industry, while actively learning new stuff within Unity, Unreal and C++.
I am currently working as a Database Consultant as i build up my communication skills with clients, source control and documentation, getting valuable experience, while also doing small game projects during my lunch breaks and out of work in order to keep my skills current, so that one day, I may get my dream job of becoming a game developer.
What makes me stand out from other Game Developers?
One of the things that make me stand out from the rest of my fellow graduate developers in my eagerness to learn and receive feedback. I actively wish to learn as much as I can in the languages and engines that I actively use, While also actively reaching out for feedback for personal projects that I have been working on. This is showing my passion to improve and to learn, while also showing the initiative to seek feedback on my projects.
I also possess experience working within a professional development team environment, as during my academic studies, we were required on two separate occasions to work in teams with fellow programmers, artists, and designers. This was to allow us to gain experience in working within a game development environment and to experience working with different branches of the game development industry, as well as learning to work with other personalities that may conflict with your own. This gives me an edge in being able to work with many different individuals.
Finally, I have been a part of an important team within AIE, as, within 2018, our second-year team created the game ZomNom, which was awarded the best Advanced Diploma project of the year. We have also taken ZomNom and released it on steam, with players actively adding it to their steam libraries, playing the game, and even making YouTube videos are our game. This was my first successful game, and I hope to add to the list of successful games with my repertoire.
Fun stuff about me?
While I love programming and it is what I would like to do as a career, I'm also passionate about other random things.
I am also an avid gamer, I figure, you know, I love programming, love games. Perfect university degree! Primarily playing MMO's/RPG's/FPS games.
I tend to be a very quiet person, but once you get to know me, I am incredibly silly, loud, and appreciate some good quality memes.
I aim to ensure that everyone in my life is happy and I try to help in whatever way possible. Whether that be deep personal conversation's talking about personal issues, to just sending a bunch of awful memes to get a smile. The happiness of everyone I care about is one of my goals in life.